Samsonsworld wrote:
Guys, I don't look to spend more money than I have to but I also don't look to spend more of my time. There is a trade off. By my calculations, its roughly $7 more per tank to exchange when you correct the volume. I'll use 3 tanks per year, tops. That's not much money and saves me a LOT of time considering I'm at the grocery store every week anyway.
The folks at my grocery store have a hard time keeping the full and empty tanks separate.
Typically, they'll just pick one up, and then say "Yep! That feels full!", and put it in my shopping cart.
I have gotten tanks that way which weren't anywhere near full, even after taking into account that fact that exchange tanks are never more than 75% full to begin with.
I like supporting my local propane guy, rather than some large corporation like AmeriGas or Blue Rhino.
He puts the tank on a scale while refilling it, right there where we can both see it - No concerns about underfilling.