Forum Discussion

tempforce's avatar
Jun 15, 2013

Sold Trailers--- "I'll be back"

after full timing for a number of years.
i finally got things in order to pickup a small piece of texas sand..
i sold the enclosed car trailer/workshop/storage unit.
sold the home on wheels
now i'm ready to sell the limo-truck.
i'm downsizing from the 1ton 4 door truck, so i can use a normal parking space again.
i will still show up here to lend a hand when i can, as my long term plans are to either rebuild or build from scratch, an older terry, caveman, ect. trailer or camper. to work with my custom '56' f100…
i will start on the trailer rebuild/custom build, as soon as the f100 is road worthy and reliable to tow/haul without any worry's about breaking down (other than normal unforeseen events, that usually will happen no matter how well prepared a person is)…

i will start a topic and post lots of photos of the trailer construction. as soon as i start construction. so watch for a new item in the appropriate forum…

happy trails and many tails around the campfire.
  • i've been acquiring parts for the old truck.
    also i've been looking around for an older trailer to rebuild..
    just in case, i don't find a trailer shell to rebuild. i've been researching newer tech for construction materials. the fiberglass (walls) and alumnium (floor and roof) honeycomb panels look like they would be a lot stronger than 3/4-1" plywood and weigh about the same as 1/4" plywood.
    i'm also thinking of building a captains bunk like what is used on older ships for the convertible couch. that would give me more space for other conveniences. like a larger fridge, food storage and closet space…
    by the time i get the old truck on the road, i should have all of my ideas, floor plan and materials sources found and the cost priced out for the trailer...
  • Don't be a stranger-not having an RV is NO excuse to bail!
  • looking forward to the pictures and your progression.
  • Energy requirement for this mission is high.
    You're probably still relatively young.