Forum Discussion

racerchaser's avatar
Nov 03, 2014

Solved: A 2014 Chevy Equinox issue

Recently traded a 2004 Honda CR-V for a 2014 Chevy Equinox two wheel drive. I had one issue that others might be interested in. When the base plate was installed I also had a charge line installed. The owner's manual says to remove a fuse to prevent battery discharge. Well, clever me, on short trips why would I remove the fuse since I have a charge line and even for a car with a nav system 125 miles should be no problem. However, I noticed that when turning a corner the auto front wheels did not trail, not good. This car has electric power steering. Talking to a Chevy mechanic I found out that a second reason to pull the stated fuse was to remove power from the electric steering motor. With power on the motor, when towing the car, the front wheels are, is essence, locked straight ahead and are not allowed to trail. This model has had electric power steering for a number of years. I am surprised this issue has not been stated previously.
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