winnietrey wrote:
One final thought. If the Neuro thought lasers were all that great. I guarentee you he would have had a machine, And would be using it. That is the way of the world.
And when you do your research, Discount any study, from an enity that "has a dog in the fight" In other words any one that makes money by selling their point of view..
Best of luck
I get the opinion you know what you're talking about.. Thank you..
I'm on to the "dog in the fight" deal. A "specialist" who has a vein stripping machine told her she needed her leg veins stripped to cure her leg pains. Not so on a second opinion by her PC doctor after tests by an honest specialist. It's a damn shame some so called "professionals" would stoop so low to do that to a 75 year old lady. They have no conscience.
My wife is about 20-25# overweight, ( she doesn't use my computer )mostly around the hips. She knows she should be exercising but it's hard when she needs a walker to get around. I got her a slant board and a sit down pedal thing. The slant board doesn't seem to help.
She had a CAT SCAN and MRI last week for the neurosurgeon so we'll see if he changes his mind about being able to help. The people in the waiting room gave him high recommendations so I guess we'll just have to wait & see. I have a problem with her. She still believes most everything a "doctor" tells her. I have to be the bad guy and insist she gets more opinions. If I hadn't, she wouldn't have any usable leg veins. She is so sick of going to doctors, though I can't blame her, she just wants to do something. The problem with that thinking, what if it's wrong? There is probably no second chance. I will not back down. There will be no ,"ahh, lets give it shot deal". The doctor will have to explain to my satisfaction what he will do and his experience to do the treatment ...
I appreciated the wishes of luck. I think we're going to need it..
I also want to send a good luck wish to all who have similar problems who have posted a reply..... Thanks..