Forum Discussion

Bordercollie's avatar
Nov 01, 2016

My Carotid Artery Surgery

Many RV'ers may have heart and artery conditions. I have had heart condition that started in my 30's, bypass heart surgery in 1976, etc., and I am now 77. I have had period ultrasound tests to monitor blockage in my carotid arteries. Recently I had a mild stroke (TIA). An ultrasound test found that the blockage had worsened and I went to a vascular surgeon. I am scheduled for surgery this coming Friday to remove plaque in left carotid artery . The surgery will last 1.5 hours, requires general anesthesia and I will be in hospital recovery over night. There are moderate risks involved but trivial compared to a major debilitating stroke. I will need to have the right side done eventually, two sides never done at the same time.

BTW, My wife bought me a "911 Help Now" device on HSN that will call 911 instantly and tell them where I am. It uses cell phone technology. An operator asks if you need ambulance, fire or police. This is nice to have if you or someone in a group has sudden medical problem or even to report possible terrorist threats. No monthly fee, but deal is no longer available on HSN. No delay in turning on and unlocking your cell phone just press button. 3 AAA batteries last one year. Device is available from 911 Help Now but with a 24.95 monthly fee. Similar devices are available with monthly fees.