Last year due to a combination of things I hurt my lower back. My left leg was weak and I was limping badly. I would also get a sharp pain down my right leg. This time last year I had to cut my camping trip short and come back home. I could no longer go up my TTs steps. I had to go back to work so was in a panic. Had to get this problem fixed fast. My PC sent me for a MRI and Ex-ray. He also put me on a muscle relaxant and wanted to give me pain pills; however, I refused the pain pills. After reviewing the MRI and X-ray he sent me to a Neurosurgeon. This Neurosurgeon said I had two compressed nerves and three herniated disks in my lower back. He wanted to fuse the disks together, put screws in and enlarger the hole in my spine the nerves go through. He also told me I should start physical therapy to prove to my insurance I needed surgery. Not happy with this Neurosurgeon I went on my own to another hospital and saw a different Neurosurgeon who I had researched and liked what I found. I provided this Neurosurgeon with my MRI and X-ray. He told me the procedure the first Neurosurgeon wanted to perform would result in long term pain and more surgeries. So, I went with this Neurosurgeon.
My Neurosurgeon explained to me the following: One or two disk and you go home the same day. But three disks require two nights in the hospital. After surgery I would have to walk and walk. Also I would need physical therapy.
The day after surgery twice a Physical Therapist worked with me teaching me how to walk. My left leg had not worked correctly for three months.
When I got home I started by walking up and down the hallway remembering what the Physical Therapist had taught me. By my third week I was walking five miles at a time. When I went back to see the doctor in the third week, he told me I did not need to see him again and released me for work. I was as on light duty for three weeks before returning to full duty. Now ten months later and I feel great. I have taken care of myself by exercising. Got to build my back and abdomen muscles up.
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