toedtoes wrote:
Did you know her? Seems a bit odd for a complete stranger stopping you out of the blue to ask about your weekend plans. I don't that sends red flags to me.
No, I didn't know her and yes, big red flags went up in my mind. I kept waiting for her wanting something. Never came out. Couple kids in back seat with a dog.
That's what surprised me the most, maybe that's why it's still it stood out in my mind.
She just wanted to tell me about her upcoming camping trip and then waved by. Not common now days to engage in conversation with complete strangers IMO.
When she asked about our trip, I did mention we just back from AZ and she said "lot of old folks go there". She probably thought I was a harmless old guy.
Yes, my red flags absolutely went up. 3 or 4 months ago, I asked a lady pushing a cart up the grocery aisle where to find something. The look she gave me...I'm sure if she would of had a taser, I'd still be wiggling on the ground.