Nowhere is safe. We caught two people, two weeks ago casing our place. They stopped, on the road and were taking photos, of two flowers and a spruce? Went up the road somewhere turned around and came back by very slow. Two days later Son In Law and I were on the porch again when the very same vehicle, slowed to a very slow crawl this time and went past. They went up the road somewhere turned around and came back very slow looking at two flowers and a spruce?
Son says they are breaking in around the county. I don't talk much with our Policeman the last few years. Guess I need to inquire.
The next time that they come by run out and take pictures of them, their car and plate number. Make sure that they see you doing it. Unless they are real stupid (a distinct possibility) they won't be back.
Show the photos to your local police, they may be looking for them.