gatorcq wrote:
There are certain requirements for TWH
The Atwood requires the following:
1.5 GPM from each faucet = so you must measure
Temperature differential = 60 degrees. meaning water going in is 30, water coming out = 90.
And yes they work very well WHEN you stick to the requirements and they do not use more LP. Your best way is to call the manufactures and ask for technical support. They are more then happy to explain to you how there system works and what the requirements are. I did just this, and new that the shower head would not meet the water flow requirements. I was happy to have talked to TS. Many people spout what they read on the internet. That is one reason I try and call the manufacture and discuss the requirements of there product.
The information is in the signature of my first post on this thread. Our hot water on demand system is in our motor home which is a 2014 40 foot Tiffin Phaeton (40QBH)