I have psoriatic arthritis in my feet, knees and hands. It's been pretty aggressive in my hands, such that I have finger deformities and I have already had a thumb joint replacement. Sometimes I can hook everything up by myself and other times I just struggle. I have learned to just ASK someone for help. I figure, if they can't help me themselves maybe they know somebody who can.
Last fall I took my 79yo mother camping up in the mountains, to a campground I've been to a million times. Getting it all set up when we got there was a piece of cake. Getting it all unhooked when it was time to go was a little harder. My hands were cold and stiff and nothing was working right. It was taking me 3 times longer to hitch up and go. The final straw was when I couldn't get the damn thing hitched to the truck. The way the campsite was situated was on a rise. Fine when dropping the trailer, not so fine trying to back up that hill and hitch up. My truck doesn't have 4WD (BIG mistake! my next truck will!) so I was slipping and sliding all over the hill, but I couldn't get close to the hitch. Finally, I just got ticked off enough that I just drove the truck away. I went up to the office and told the guy my situation. I do believe some tears were shed. No problem! He hopped into his golf cart and came to my rescue. He knew exactly what to do, and showed me how, so I'll know the next time!
I just love camping. People really do want to help you. Just have to ask!