PawPaw_n_Gram wrote:
Kit Carson wrote:
Supposedly there was a Samboree in Shreveport at the State Fair Grounds April 9-12. I never saw any advertisement in paper or on TV or radio. Son't know if it happened or not.
Yes, it happened and had good attendance according to some friends who attended. We were on the east coast in Delaware & New Jersey that weekend.
I've never heard of a state samboree being advertised in local media. Likely any advertising would cost significantly more than the event budget could stand.
States rely on local Good Sam chapters spreading the word. Some do put out flyers at area Camping World stores and RV dealers.
Here's what I do not understand, and quite frankly it irritates the HE** out of me!
The Good Sam club is essentially a marketing arm of Camping World.Yes, I know there is a very strong social aspect as well -- but without marketing and advertising, we are seeing the Good Sam Club turn into a Senior Citizens club (I think my wife and I are the youngest members of our chapter and we are 59!)
If Marcus Lemonis wants the Good Sam club to grow, he should take a bit of the $1.48 *Billion* revenue he makes off of CW enterprises and invest it in the Good Sam club in the form of subsidizes for the Samboree and advertising -- after all it WOULD be a corporate tax write off!
The fact that we hold Samborees on a shoestring budget with NO sponsorship from Corporate is a bad marketing decision from a company that is trying to grow the Good Sam Club. Other RV clubs that are outgrowths of a corporate entity are supported by the company (cf WInnebago & Forest River) - Good Sam Enterprises should look to those companies as a model for membership growth and loyalty.
I know that this list is monitored by Corporate employees -- perhaps ya'll would be good enough to carry the water up to good 'ol Marcus and clue him in :)