lawnspecialties wrote:
bucky wrote:
We were at the Raleigh RV show last weekend. Prices were stupid, like really stupid.
There were several 5ers priced at around $250K "sale price" and nothing special TTs into the $70s. Browsers were everywhere. The little sales tables behind curtains between units were empty and every dealer in the state was there trying to move units. It was the biggest show in unit counts that I remember.
The best deal of the show was a used 2021 Tiffin pusher in the mid $200s.
A $250K fifth wheel at the fall show? That's ridiculous. Mobile Suites?
We're in Garner. I opted not to go to the show this year because 1. the last couple of shows we've been to here were weak and 2. they hardly ever have toy haulers anymore.
But I did have a friend do a trade-in at the show on his GD Imagine for a 2023 GD Reflection 5er at Bill Plemmons. He was pretty happy for the most part.
One was a DRV, didn't see a Mobile Suites. If you walked straight up the hill from the entrance they were on the left. I've tossed the event paper or I could ID the dealer. ShawRV had the entire PNC building. They are pretty local to us, right up the road in Youngsville.
My bride wasn't feeling well or we would have stayed longer. there was a lot to see for once.