lawnspecialties wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
One of the interesting trends I’m seeing happen up here ‘north of the border’ is vendors (both private and stealerships) starting to refer to units as “cottages”.
I asked a sales person (I was there getting parts and wandered out into the sales floor) and he made no bones about explaining it, “a traditional ‘cottage’ starts at $750k and it makes an RV seem like a screaming bargain regardless of the price.”.
You can get a new 3000 sq ft house here in central NC for $750K.
As the old saying goes, the 3 most important factors in real estate are; location, location and location.
Neighbours of ours severed a new (vacant) lot off their side yard this spring, just over 300’ frontage and just barely 2 acres, the bare minimum allowed.
The lot sold in 4 days at 20% over the asking price, just under $4 million.
Cannuckistan bucks though, so a mere US$3 million.