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This may sound like a rant...

Heading out of town in rush-hour traffic, a Prius driver cuts me off, then when I honk at him, brake-checks me to the point where I nearly ran him down. A few miles later, an elderly woman in an Escalade just decides to merge into the space I am occupying.

This morning I ordered a windshield mount for my Gopro. The next time this happens, and I am unable to stop, I will at least have video evidence.

Sheesh, people. You will get there, just be patient.

Explorer II
Explorer II
kerrlakeRoo wrote:
There is a name for those hellholes. They are called cities.

Drove 3000 miles round trip last month to get to Florida. Took I95 south and north. I95 is mostly 2 lanes with a shoulder. Once you get north of Richmond VA it goes back to 4+ lanes. Dealt with little to no traffic issues the entire trip... until I hit north of Richmond. Then in the span of 5 minutes we almost wrecked twice.

I had a car decide to take the right lane off ramp from the far left lane. Thankfully I saw him aim his car at almost a 45 degree angle and start ripping across the road. I was in lane 3 (third from left) and was able to slam on my brakes as I saw him enter lane 2 (second from left) and managed to avoid having to replace the left front side of my truck. He missed me by mere feet, at 67 mph, as he came rocketing across 4 lanes of traffic and a turn lane to get to an exit that had multiple signs warning that it was upcoming.

Not 5 minutes later some other moron on a cell phone just randomly drifted from lane 4 (far right lane) into my lane, going about 5 mph slower than I was. Nobody in front of him, no reason to move over. I'm not even sure this guy realized he came over. Thankfully I keep my head on a swivel and knew that there was nobody in the right lane and I was able to quickly go into the lane he had just abandoned (for no reason whatsoever).

Some people are stupid and oblivious most of the time. The rest of us are stupid and oblivious some of the time. I am actually amazed at how few wrecks there are, when you consider how most people drive.

It seems the typical DC area driver looks about as far ahead as the front bumper of their car. They don't see the signs warning that the right lane is closed in 2 miles, 1 mile, half a mile, etc. They wait until there are literally cones starting to encroach upon their lane before they abruptly switch lanes without looking.
They sit at a red light and zone out waiting to turn left and fail to see that their lane is closed on the road on which they are about to turn. They make the left turn, almost hit the cones blocking their lane, then cut into your lane because they failed to plan ahead.
They ignore or don't see all the stopped or slowing traffic in front of them on the highway, then slam on their brakes at the last second and screech to a halt because they didn't recognize that traffic was slowing.

Thank God for miracles, because that's the only way some people make it successfully from Point A to Point B...
2015 Ram CTD
2015 Jayco 29QBS

I'd sure like to know how you enjoy moments when your life flashes before your eyes because you think you are gonna die.

LOL! It's obvious you don't drive much! What you describe happens on a daily basis around here. The three of us in the house come home pretty much every day with stories like that-it's just a part of living where we do. I have no issue with a good honk just to remind the offender they aren't the only ones on the road. Not everyone is evil when they drive-the other car may be in their blind spot, something else caught their attention, etc. I don't wish to be critical but if your "life flashes before your eyes" when something small like this happens (yes, it's small) then either you need to drive more so you are better prepared or you need to give up your license and stop driving. I can't agree with you more about people slowing down and paying attention, but until EVERYONE does it you need to prepare yourself both technically and emotionally.

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be

Douglas Adams

[purple]RV-less for now but our spirits are still on the open road. [/purple]

It's all part of the "adventure."
Just remember, they are probably going to work, you are going camping.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane."

Arctic Fox 25Y
GMC Duramax
Blue Ox SwayPro

I write it off to jealousey. BTW If you ever do splatter a sworm of Prius they come off easily sith soap and water.
Oasis Bob
Wonderful wife 3 of 4 kids at home. 1 proudly serving in USAF
2018 Ford Explorer
2001 Bantam Trail Lite B-19


All good advice, and yes, I don't drive in rush hour traffic much, as I work from home and hardly drive at all. That's not to say I don't know how to drive, I have hundreds of thousands of highway miles, accident-free. You cut me off, yes, I'm gonna use my horn, that is what it is for. When I hit the road long-term, I'm gonna plan my urban travels for the off-rush times.

I'd sure like to know how you enjoy moments when your life flashes before your eyes because you think you are gonna die. I don't find it enjoyable. People are just A-holes when they get behind the wheel.

There is a name for those hellholes. They are called cities.

Explorer III
Explorer III
Heading out of town in rush-hour traffic (Phoenix)....... just be patient.

Your words :B
Is it time for your medication or mine?

2007 DODGE 3500 QC SRW 5.9L CTD In-Bed 'quiet gen'
2007 HitchHiker II 32.5 UKTG 2000W Xantex Inverter
US NAVY------USS Decatur DDG31

Stay off your horn and enjoy the moment. Life is short.

Explorer III
Explorer III
I started using a camera after a PU cut in front of me so close I could not see the back of the truck. This was after I saw him weaving in/out of traffic and when besides me I blew the horn as there was not enough space for him to cut in front of me. Not sure how he made it as there was only inches. Has nothing to do with knowing how to drive in rush hour traffic but I guess I'd left too large a gap behind the traffic in my lane.
This post is my opinion (free advice). It is not intended to influence anyone's judgment nor do I advocate anyone do what I propose.
Sold 04 Dynasty to our son after 14 great years.
Upgraded with a 08 HR Navigator 45’...

Sounds like a typical commute in rush hour traffic.

Apparently, you've never driven in rush hour traffic before. If you're not in a hurry, sit back and watch it all happen. The GoPro is a good idea though. Tons of drivers in Europe have dash cams....because they don't know how to drive.
Always looking for the perfect site.