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This may sound like a rant...

Heading out of town in rush-hour traffic, a Prius driver cuts me off, then when I honk at him, brake-checks me to the point where I nearly ran him down. A few miles later, an elderly woman in an Escalade just decides to merge into the space I am occupying.

This morning I ordered a windshield mount for my Gopro. The next time this happens, and I am unable to stop, I will at least have video evidence.

Sheesh, people. You will get there, just be patient.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Jerry & Jeanne
1996 Safari Sahara 3530 - 'White Tiger'
CAT 3126/Allison 6 speed/Magnum Chassis
2014 Equinox AWD / Blue Ox

Still dark on A1A south bound the lights ahead of me go out. Look hard
for reason and long pickup has pulled out and stopped because there
was no room in north bound lanes. Hard braking going right worked.
In my car, In MH towing I would not have been able to do it.

jplante4 wrote:
TurnThePage wrote:
Mont G&J wrote:
Stay off your horn and enjoy the moment. Life is short.
This ^

It's rare that a traffic situation will improve when someone uses their horn. It very likely will get worse. I'm an impatient driver, but have learned to sit back and be vigilant, and let all the horse play happen... Usually. 😉

I see that neither of you are from Florida. In the West Palm/Miami area, if you're mot moving the second the green goes, the horns start.
Though I don't use the horn, if they're looking in their mirror, those slow off the line will notice my disgust. :M But my comments applied more to highway travel. Experience has taught me that using the horn should be reserved for REAL issues only, not as a way to express your opinion.
2015 Ram 1500
2022 Grand Design Imagine XLS 22RBE

I grew up in Phoenix so this just seems normal to me.

I think the main problem is people driving behind large semis, class As or travel trailers expect them all to be slow and they can’t see in front of them. This causes them to make stupid moves just to get in front. They can’t stand the fact that some big fat slow thing is in front of them.

Now you tow with a HEMI of powerful diesel and while accelerating from a light people expect to outrun you and they end up cutting you off because they barely make it, not expecting you to be there.

myredracer wrote:
Take the high road, act like an adult, respect others on the road around you, be vigilant, be courteous, no cell phones, no texting, stay calm, don't speed, drive responsibly. There's idiot drivers on the road no matter where you go and you just have to expect it can happen anytime you're on the roads. It's just the way it is. Imagine being a commercial truck drivers that have to deal with that stuff every day. Unlike most drivers, I never cut in front of a semi or other big truck (or other vehicles for that matter) if there's a small space to squeeze into because it creates a risk for you and them and others around you.

Although this is in Europe, here's a short clip of a small car getting schmucked on a highway because he was in too much of a hurry. These drivers are all over the place. Vid clip. This exact same thing almost happened in front of us in CA a couple of summers ago and he/she nearly hit a flagger that happened to be there due to construction work.

As much as I get pissed at some of the antics of other drivers, especially when the other driver is completely oblivious because they're on a cell phone, I agree this the absolute best advice. Hard to do sometimes, but still the best advice.

Explorer II
Explorer II
TurnThePage wrote:
Mont G&J wrote:
Stay off your horn and enjoy the moment. Life is short.
This ^

It's rare that a traffic situation will improve when someone uses their horn. It very likely will get worse. I'm an impatient driver, but have learned to sit back and be vigilant, and let all the horse play happen... Usually. 😉

I see that neither of you are from Florida. In the West Palm/Miami area, if you're mot moving the second the green goes, the horns start.
Jerry & Jeanne
1996 Safari Sahara 3530 - 'White Tiger'
CAT 3126/Allison 6 speed/Magnum Chassis
2014 Equinox AWD / Blue Ox

Mont G&J wrote:
Stay off your horn and enjoy the moment. Life is short.
This ^

It's rare that a traffic situation will improve when someone uses their horn. It very likely will get worse. I'm an impatient driver, but have learned to sit back and be vigilant, and let all the horse play happen... Usually. 😉
2015 Ram 1500
2022 Grand Design Imagine XLS 22RBE

I heard from a friend of mine that her neighbor's son had just gotten his license. Before he could drive the car by himself the parents had installed some sort of dash camera that would film everything forward of the vehicle and store it in the cloud or whatever as the camera recorded. The parents had also installed a camera to watch their son while he drove. Those were the conditions that the son had to agree to if he was to drive their car.

Fast forward about 3 weeks later. While her son was going through an intersection, he had a green light, a 40 ish year old man T-boned him. Her son was knocked out from the collision. The forward facing camera caught the 40 year old man getting out of his vehicle and entering the boys vehicle to remove the camera. The camera that recorded their son's movements in the vehicle captured the man NOT checking on their son, but just grabbing the camera. The man then went back to his vehicle. What a jerk!

When the police and paramedics arrived, this jerk told them that the boy ran the light and was at fault. The parents of the boy had to show the police the video that the cameras recorded and the boy didn't get in trouble. I don't know what happened to the jerk.
Elinor and Pat
2015 Cedar Creek Cottage 40CCK

DallasSteve wrote:
If you get your dashcam and someone brake checks you again you might want to send the video to the police. I read one police officer say on Quora that is a serious crime and they can be prosecuted.

To take my earlier response a step further. That officer is correct. Sometimes brake checking can be considered aggravated assault as well as reckless driving. In my home state, reckless is a misdemeanor, aggravated assault is a felony.

If you get your dashcam and someone brake checks you again you might want to send the video to the police. I read one police officer say on Quora that is a serious crime and they can be prosecuted.
2022 FORD F-250 XL CREW CAB 4X4
All my exes live in Texas, that's why I live in an RV

Explorer II
Explorer II
Take the high road, act like an adult, respect others on the road around you, be vigilant, be courteous, no cell phones, no texting, stay calm, don't speed, drive responsibly. There's idiot drivers on the road no matter where you go and you just have to expect it can happen anytime you're on the roads. It's just the way it is. Imagine being a commercial truck drivers that have to deal with that stuff every day. Unlike most drivers, I never cut in front of a semi or other big truck (or other vehicles for that matter) if there's a small space to squeeze into because it creates a risk for you and them and others around you.

Although this is in Europe, here's a short clip of a small car getting schmucked on a highway because he was in too much of a hurry. These drivers are all over the place. Vid clip. This exact same thing almost happened in front of us in CA a couple of summers ago and he/she nearly hit a flagger that happened to be there due to construction work.

I was taught to keep distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you in the case where that vehicle might stop suddenly, you will have sufficient room to stop as well. I was not taught that this "cushion" is also gratuitously available for somebody in a hurry who cuts over without a signal, effectively cutting my cushion into a fraction of what it was before, as now I have to consider/recalculate the distance between the cutter and the vehicle I was following as well as the distance between myself and the cutter - in fractions of a second.

When the cutter who swerves in with no signal suddenly has to stop because the vehicle ahead stopped suddenly - and can do it (being smaller and lighter), but now that my stopping distance has effectively been halved at the very least, I cannot stop, in traffic, I cannot swerve, and there is no place for me to go - so how again is that my fault? After some research, I just ordered an actual dashcam that is designed for capturing these events.

I fail to understand how anybody can argue that the cushion you provide for your own safety is actually an invitation for another to move into that space. Sounds like cutters just trying to justify their obnoxious behavior.

Think i have finally got a grip on life and how to cope with the horn honkers. i just relax and go about my way.

just saying

are horns really made to be blasting at people? :h

I think horns have a use but not as an expression of attitude, anger or other suck things, like maybe inciting road rage.

however I do get a kick out of honking at squirrels on the road out here in the country. They never know which way to go. :B

And i agree with jp on the MSG theory. I also have also gotten to relax as i get my MSG taken. :W

bucky wrote:
Dennis12 wrote:
go pro or not. you hit him is the ass it's your fault. Keep control of your vehicle

No longer true. Video evidence of unsafe driving wins every time.
A suggestion for dash cams does not include GoPro models. They do not have long enough battery life and do not record over older vid that has not been saved for whatever reason.
I run a dash cam at all times towing and will probably buy another one for each passenger vehicle. Too many clowns out there now that B&B has shut down.

In Indiana and perhaps other states, there are signs on the interstates that indicate you will be fined if you do not allow ample space when pulling back in front of an 18-wheeler after passing. I am assuming that would apply to any big rig, but perhaps not. It should be the law everywhere. Dash cams would prove valuable in that case. We use one.

Dale Pace
Widow of Terry (Teacher's Pet)

Traveling with Brendon, my Scottish Terrier

2022 Honda Odyssey
2011 Mazda Miata MX-5

2021 Coach House Platinum III 250DT
Fulltimed for 15 years, now living in Florida