Forum Discussion

Larry37's avatar
Oct 14, 2013

This will be our last year with GO Calenders

Me and wife have been doing this for a few years now while staying in RV. Company just seems to be going downhill as far as operator treatment.
Here is how it works-
It's a Calender / toy / game kiosk in malls everywhere.
You get 16% commission.
You pay full retail on all shrinkage ( Theft ) which is substantial. (They profit on the operators).
You pay all hired labor.
You pay numerous little fees they keep creating.
You must be open all hours mall is open ( no sick days ) if your late opening the mall fines you and GO also fines you.
You sign a contract that they can take your first born if you renig.
Our real return was around 9% last year

I was ok with all the above BUT now -
We had to open 2 weeks sooner and are open 1 week longer Oct 1st till Jan 27 NOTE we average about $150 per day in sales until thanksgiving that's a whopping $24 for 11 hrs work less expenses for 8 weeks 3 more than last year.
Just found out mall will open 8 pm on thanksgiving and not close till midnight Friday
So have to hire extra help (good luck getting anyone to work those hrs ).
Can't get corporate to respond to anything we need but they drive us nuts if they want money.
Absolutely nothing is negotiable.

Really regret signing on this year.

I know I'm venting but we found out about this gig on this forum so anyone considering this THINK LONG AND HARD.
There will be a open spot next year and I'm sure more than just ours if you want it.
  • That's right about $2 hr till thanksgiving we make our money between Black Friday till Christmas.
    That's the problem we make about the same every year but corporate keeps adding weeks to the season reducing our per hr rate. Plus all the little extra fees they create every year
    It didn't start out like that the company just continues to be all about profit more and more every year.
    We have noticed the rate of returning operators has gone down a lot this year.

    Another issue we have the amount of adult content ( pin up , playboy Calenders , adult games etc. ) they keep adding to inventory. After a little girl told me I should be ashamed it was all removed from our store last year. It is mandatory that we display and sell adult content they just don't know we removed it.
    Really don't feel this is appropriate for a store selling children's toys and games in the center of the mall next to Santa.

    Reason I posted on this forum is they recruit and target full timers / retirees on this forum and and others like this. They pitch it as a great deal and will be business partners and best friends.
    Have more but enough for now.
  • Too late for you, but this is a good example of why you need to really question the deal before accepting any contract.

    Hubby and I were offered "jobs" with a company that draws plans for existing malls. With our technical, mechanical and military background, the company owner was really salivating over us. But the more we looked at the deal, the less we were interested. Just like yours, everything was one way, to only benefit the company. So we said no thanks and continued to travel and enjoy life. :)
  • " that's a whopping $24 for 11 hrs work less expenses"

    is that right? you make $2/hr?
  • Venting is good! One often focuses on all the exciting part of a new adventure (work) while minimizing the downside. I've said on more than one occassion that everything looks romantic from a distance...the only way you're going to keep that romance hot or kill it, is to get involved. Which is what you did. We've all done it. That is the way one learns. Don't beat yourself up. Pat yourself on the back!