Horsedoc wrote:
... I got a nasty note back with him telling me he could not believe I thought he owed me something....I think he lost it when the son did himself in and it finally dawned on him why and he has gone over the edge.
George once said on his blog that he was not the nice person we might imagine him to be. And the truth is that Fathers and Sons is a frightening relationship. Every father is devistated by the death of a son, whether he shows it or not.
About 5 years ago 4 boy students at Sonoma State, after studying late, decided to drive down the mountain road to a store for a late night pizza, and a horrible accident ensued (I don't know why and it doesn't matter) and they all died. There was a large memorial service at the school and one of the fathers got up and said to the students "you don't KNOW how much we love you".