In the season I am pretty much already stocked up and ready to go. We live out of four or five of those ACTION PACKERS (LOWES) and these get added just before we hit the road.

I can put all of these across the back of my front deck on my OFF-ROAD POPUP. I also have a couple of the 7-gallon Aqua-tainer totes to capture our gray water and a couple of fresh water 5-gallon totes.
We also carry one of those 32-inch fire pits we can situp closer to the patio... I usually hide a couple of logs under the firepit to use for the first nite if we get in late and haven't found the firewood stack yet.

I carry one of those folding two wheeled carts too. Sometimes water is pretty far away from the camp site... I can drag off gray water and bring back fresh water hehe...

Everything else is pretty much stored in the floor area and cabinets of the POPUP trailer during the season.
Our clothes and Cole Road Trip goes in the truck bed. My 22-inch HDTV goes into the trailer floor area. I carry a 5-day ICE CHEST in the bed of the truck loaded down with ice with a 4-inch deep closed box with lid sitting on top of the ice for things we don't want to get water logged.. meats etc...
My back seat usually gets loaded down with groceries from a WALMART when get close to the camp site...
This photo shows my truck bed pretty much filled up for the camping trip. Actually between the 5X8 Front deck on the camper and the truck bed we can carry some serious camping supplies - all covered from the elements...

Load this area down and cover with tarp...

This is pretty much our routine.
My OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer is also our POWER PLANT when we lose power at the house. I run Extension Cords from the trailer into the house to run the important thing like HDTV and fridge and a couple of lights. The 120VAC fan on the fireplace is important too haha... Will run our trailer battery bank down to around 12.0VDC over night and then re-charge back up the next morning using my 2KW generator for three hours - just like we do when camping... A great PLAN B to have at home. SOmetimes we runout of gasoline for the generator but can always suck out gas from the cars when this happens. We only have one local gas station with emergency power here in our county.
Roy Ken