Never give your records to the Dealer. They simply throw them away as soon as you turn around to leave. Besides not wanting to keep tabs on the records and attached to the vehicle, some Dealers may view them as a liability. Ignorance, or claiming such, is bliss.
When I traded a truck in last year, I asked the dealer to give my phone # to the buyer (it sold rather quickly and I noticed it was off the lot), so I could give the buyer my service/maintenance/warranty work folder. No call was received. A few weeks later, I noticed my old truck out on the road (it's one of a kind, with off-road enhancements). I flagged the guy down and told him I had all the records, a Shop Manual and the special wrench for adjusting the custom suspension. He said the dealer never mentioned a word about it. He also said he couldn't believe someone would get rid of such a nice truck, which I found to be a very complimentary remark. I was driving my new, bigger truck, so that explained it.