Turtle n Peeps wrote:
I'm going to say you got it on the money. There is several reasons to have your trailer down in front.
#1. You will get "slightly" more tongue weight and that is a good thing.
#2. The trailer will cut the wind better. It sounds like a minor issue but it really can add up and make a big difference in mileage over years of towing.
#3. This is a big one. During panic braking the nose of the tow vehicle will dive because of weight transfer. When this happens the back of the tow vehicle and front of the trailer will raise up. This is not a good situation because the weight of the trailer will try to lift the back tires of the TV off of the ground. Braking with two tires is not a good thing and you want all tires of the TV braking equally. When the nose of the trailer is down like you have it; it will form a straight line when in panic braking mode; which is a good thing. I say leave it. :)
Thanks. I'd like to be "done"...but also want to get it right. Sounds like level is the best, most agree on that. The question really is, how much nose down is OK.