Chuck again I say ...I don’t think you checked out my original “link”.
Red rock I appreciate your comments. But I don’t think I suggested that sealant would prevent a “blowout”, other than one that could happen when a tire gets down to say half the pressure it is supposed to have, gets hot and comes apart at 60 mph.
To sum up I would just like to add that sure, that specific product, might be a waste of my time and money and perhaps I might be “conned” into buying it but I also feel I being conned into believeing I’m getting what I pay for in the several brands of “G” rated tires I have gone through.
Having 4000 lb’s plus tire capacity under a 12,000 trailer with perhaps 2000 of that on the truck and having them fail before they are 50% worn ...something is wrong.
The guy who sold me the Hercules tire stated as much.
Happy New Year you all.