We made almost the same trip from North Florida to the Idaho northern tip at Bonner's Ferry not so long ago.
As for the interstates, it really depends on the state, some states spend their highway maitenance fund on efficiently keeping the roads in good condition. The state that you started in is a prime example, Florida has mostly good roads and good interstates. Other states either spend their money on other things or spend way too much to get far too little actual work done. California for example.
I was taken aback when RVTW, which picks routes considering the RV you are towing or in, marks I90 in Minnesota as unpassable for RVs.
As for poor upkeep in various businesses, that could possibly be aggravated by the fact that some states are paying people more not to work than they can make working. Just about every single business I see lately has a "We're Hiring" sign out.
Fuel prices, just think back to 2016, gas was $1.89. Wonder what happened? That trip cost you maybe $1000 more than it would have then not to mention rising food and other prices.
"We're already thinking about another trip. This is a great country!" That brings this too mind:
"Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”
To which Franklin supposedly responded, with a rejoinder at once witty and ominous: “A republic, if you can keep it.”