rk911 wrote:
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
rk911 wrote:
toedtoes wrote:
rk911 wrote:
Lwiddis wrote:
ksg, "probable cause" will get a warrant issued. The SC cases approving ag inspections don't need "probable cause" or a warrant. Its not a "search" but an "inspection." This is a PEST issue, not a criminal action...
taking the OP at his word...what kind of fruit and veggie inspection includes the under-chassis and roof of the RV? we've had Customs and Border Patrol checkpoints that didn't rise to that level.
Could it be that bugs tend to "hang on" in those places???
They just found two oriental fruit flies in San Joaquin. If they find 6 of them, it could mean the area is under quarantine for 9 months.
Bugs are a major disaster waiting to happen.
ok, i'll buy that. but if bugs are a major disaster waiting to happen then why aren't the ag inspection stations operated 24/7? we've crossed into CA on I-40 twice in the last few years both times on a weekday during 'normal' working hours and both times the ag station was closed. just wonderin'. if it's a money thing (and it always is) then either CA doesn't know how to prioritize or the disaster they're trying to avert is mostly hype.
And your point is?
i think my point is clear. if the bugs are THAT much of a pblm i'd think the ag insp. stations would be staffed 24/7/365.
And, if the problem was THAT bad, then they should institute a total vehicle fogging/wash rack that all vehicles entering California should go through. The vehicle would be sent through a car wash type spray system to coat the vehicle with a pesticide type spray, and if they REALLY want to get jiggy with it, they could then hit the interior with a pesticidal fog to ensure that no harmful insects are entering the state to possibly infect and destroy their agricultural system...
Just sayin'