It is not a question of the 4th amendment being violated by the agriculture inspectors, it is a question of how many millions of dollars in damage and erradication of a pest brought in from another state.
Some years ago someone imported by ignorance or intent a fruit fly to San Diego, it nearlly devastated the orange groves and the owners took a hit with fruit that could not be sold or eaten, then came the cost of trying to eradicate this pest it amounted to several millions, and it is still on going today.
It is very easy to forget if there are fruits in the galley or fridge in an RV, it happened to us coming back from Texas, we had 2 peaches left from El Paso, grown in California and purchased in El Paso, at the inspection station I answered I do not remember if we ate them all or not, the inspector asked if he could come aboard and look we both answered go ahead, the fruit was in a basket in a corner all forgoten, we were given the choise of eating the culprits or disposing off them, we chose to eat tnem, and we were on ower way.
Maybe the persons that get all huffy and puffy at an agriculture inspection would like to pay some of the growers for the loss and the State for the eradication programs instead of the tax payers?