navegator wrote:
This post is directed to those of you that have law degrees and those of you in law enforcement, please answer and correct me if I am wrong, I am not looking for arguments, just facts under the law.
Is an RV rolling down the road considered a vehicle or a home?
Is an RV that is parked with the sewer hose connected, the water connected and hooked to the electric grid cosidered under the laws as a home or an RV?
What part of an RV is the vehicle and what part is a home?
A 5th wheel or a pull trailer being towed are they rolling vehicles or homes, understanding that the pull units are vehicles and not homes.
From Supereme Cour decision:
"The Supreme Court acknowledged that a motorhome was capable of functioning as a home, ... the relevant purposes, the Court found that a motorhome is more similar to a car than a stationary house. The Court explained that, like with a car, a motorhome’s “ready mobility” makes it impractical for police to get a warrant before searching. And, according to the Court, a person doesn’t have the same compelling privacy interest in a motorhome that they would have in a regular home. These factors convinced the Court that the automobile exception should apply to motorhomes..."