RGar974417 wrote:
I am generally a law abiding citizen. I support law enforcement. But I wish our government would care more about removing the 12 million illegal aliens than about it's own citizens. We have a constitution that gives us rights. These rights are not just for criminals, they are for our own protection. Read about out history before and during the Revolutionary War. Then you will understand why we have them and why we should protect them. I know people say "what's the problem if you have nothing to hide"? What if they stop you walking down the street minding your own business? What if they demand to enter your home anytime they want? Our Founding Fathers put limits on the government for our protections.
Do you somehow support the notion that all crimes or issues deemed subordinate to other crimes should not be prosecuted or pursued until all those superior issues and crimes are eliminated. In other words, until felony murder is completely eliminated burglaries shouldn't be investigated, because that is what you are suggesting by saying forget trying to protect agriculture and our waterways (in many western states you are required to stop and have your boat inspected for invasive mussels and snails) and eliminate invasive pest inspections until illegal emigration is solved. Personally, I don't see how one has anything to do with another.