After I got the car back home I hooked up the brake and ran voltage checkes as the Trouble shoot guide from US Gear suggests. I also checked to make sure I had not lost the ground. I unpluged the control unit and checked the blue wire , I had 10.5 volta there. I then plugged it back in and ran voltage check to both sides of the connecter and had 10.5 on both sides. At the black wire I had a good ground and also had voltage on the Orange wire when I depressed the brake pedal. I pulled the brake away switch and the vacumn motor ran and the Solenoid pulled the brake pedal down in the car.
This unit has been hooked up to this car and motor home for several years and has worked great until now. All things point to the control module. I just find that the price of this part is entirely out of line. I would be willing to buy a used one or even have this one repaired if I only knew who to send it to.