kvangil wrote:
M GO BLUE wrote:
Don't let ceramic heaters take the place of your RV furnace when the temps get to ~ 35F and below...at 35F and below the RV furnace shoul be your main souce of heat and the cermaic heaters can be used to supplement the RV furnace...
Why is that? Just curious, though we've hardly camped when the evening temps get that low, but you never know...
Most furnace ducts run thru the underbelly and give off a little of thier heat to the water system which helps keep it from freezing.
I would probably lower the critical temp to more like 30F as the heated interior will shed a few degrees worth of warmth by itself.
If it goes below 20F, even the extra heat from the ducts gets questionable and you may want to look at supplemental heat for the water system or winterizing it.