Alcohol is safe.. So I never spent a week in a burn unit healing from burns from an alcohol fire I guess. Only I did and that's a fact.
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I read a lot of stuff I can not comment on beyond to say "First I ever heard of that) about phase separation and the Octane differences and so on
Facts. Alcohol has been added to gasoline for a lot longer than you know (Only not so much) Rember the ads for Standard Gas back in it's day "My Advice Sir, Get De-Icer". Well that was HEET brand gasline anterfreeze.. ALCOHOL about 1%
The alcohol absorbs water in the tank agitation mixes it with the gas and it goes out the tail pipe as water vapor after heat separates in during combustion,
Of course that is not today's E-10
In a properly running engine. increasing the OCTANE rating of the fuel will NOT increase mileage provided you do not go beyond design MINIMUM reducing it will not either. NOTE The need to be properly tuned. I had a car once with a bad Carb. It ran better on Mid-Grade till I replaced the carb.
The difference comes from the scientists lab
If you burn say a fluid ounce of Gasoline it will release a specific amount of energy.. Burn a fluid ounch of alcohol and likewise it will release a specific amount of energy.. A MUCH SMALLER amount than the gasoline did.
This is where the loss of MPG comes from the fuel has.. if you will pardon the term Less PUNCH At one time I had the numbers but not today.
By the way the folks who push E-10 talk about the enviorment.. How use of Alcohol causes less pollution and results in less use of oil over all.
But they tend to forget the oil used to plant the corn cultivate and harvest it make the field ready for planting. transportation to the still. distilling the alcohol and so on. THe final result is an INCREASE iu pollution over all. All they accomplish is relocation of the pollution from the city to the country.
But that.. Is how things work I am afraid to say.