โJun-09-2013 06:46 AM
โJun-19-2013 10:43 AM
This is a state park system that already has rates that are of a level of private campground rates without the added amenities. Especially when you add the dog fee.
โJun-19-2013 10:25 AM
Lantley wrote:
AS a pet owner I have no problem paying the fees. I enjoy bring my pet and have no problem paying additional fees it that is what it takes to bring the dog along.
I understand pets and irresponsible dog owners do cost the CG money in the long run. These cost occur in both state and private CG's.
In the end there will never be 100% compliance with the rules. More enforcement will only add to the cost of the operation, but will not magically make poor dog owners responsible.
We could discuss this issue for ever, (which we have) However each individual must decide what we are willing to pay for our camping experience and decide accordingly.
Are we willing to pay extra to bring our pet to VA parks?
I think this thread with the help of WRVPO has been very informative pros and cons and given valuable insight as to what the issues really are.
โJun-13-2013 12:02 AM
โJun-12-2013 12:30 PM
2012Coleman wrote:
Way too much whining going on here. For the record, I have pets, but do not bring them camping too often. I am not against pets in CG's but people do not follow the rules. I've stepped in poop, and laughed as 2 or 3 little yappers locked up in campers bang on the shages yapping away at me as I walk by, and even when the owners are present and have them in pens, behind screen doors just yapping away. Westernrvparkowner has given a good perspective from a CG owner point of view and most of his examples can be applied to State CG's. If you don't like extra fees, just stay away. If you read the email from the VA ranger, their reasons are based on customer feedback, pet owners being in the minority. So they responded to what their customers wanted, which is what any good business would do. And since others have said that they are constantly booked shows that extra fees aren't hurting them in the least. Happy Camping!
โJun-12-2013 08:59 AM
โJun-12-2013 08:53 AM
wbwood wrote:You are absolutely right. We should patrol more. I keep forgetting this the 21st century. Change has come to America. Don't blame the criminal, blame the victim. Our trees get damaged, it is our fault for not being more vigilant. If you get robbed, you should have been more careful.Lantley wrote:
I see the tide has turned. Earlier post that proclaimed dogs do not cost the CG extra money. Have changed to the CG needs to implement more rules with a stricter more frequent enforcement policy.
That all sounds good on paper, however as WRVPO stated he's not running a prison camp. More rules,more enforcement equate to more cost more fees.
Before long he'll have to add per day pet fees to cover the additional cost of pets. ๐
If he's experiencing damage to his property perhaps there should be more patrol. How would he know it was a dog tied up to a tree that caused damage unless he saw a dog tied to the tree. Just as its not fair to charge a person that does not have a dog a fee, it's also not fair for responsible dog owners to have to pay more. Perhaps dog fees should be based on weight and size. Cause a little dog is likely to cause less damage than a big dog.
โJun-12-2013 08:37 AM
wbwood wrote:Lantley wrote:
I see the tide has turned. Earlier post that proclaimed dogs do not cost the CG extra money. Have changed to the CG needs to implement more rules with a stricter more frequent enforcement policy.
That all sounds good on paper, however as WRVPO stated he's not running a prison camp. More rules,more enforcement equate to more cost more fees.
Before long he'll have to add per day pet fees to cover the additional cost of pets. ๐
If he's experiencing damage to his property perhaps there should be more patrol. How would he know it was a dog tied up to a tree that caused damage unless he saw a dog tied to the tree. Just as its not fair to charge a person that does not have a dog a fee, it's also not fair for responsible dog owners to have to pay more. Perhaps dog fees should be based on weight and size. Cause a little dog is likely to cause less damage than a big dog.
โJun-12-2013 08:30 AM
Oaklevel wrote:
I am not saying that there are no costs with allowing pets but after talking with the local state park maintenance & rangers it appears they are against the fees as they are rarely full & the money this year instead of upgrading or maintaining the park campground (over $500,000) went to building a horse facility / parking with water & electric hookups, & a horse barn that is under used as well.......... & yes the park employees have to shovel the horse poop.............(Dogs don't make near the mess LOL) I wish we could camp there much bigger sites than in the campground....... but we still would go to the cheaper private campgrounds
โJun-12-2013 07:06 AM
โJun-12-2013 05:33 AM
Lantley wrote:
I see the tide has turned. Earlier post that proclaimed dogs do not cost the CG extra money. Have changed to the CG needs to implement more rules with a stricter more frequent enforcement policy.
That all sounds good on paper, however as WRVPO stated he's not running a prison camp. More rules,more enforcement equate to more cost more fees.
Before long he'll have to add per day pet fees to cover the additional cost of pets. ๐
โJun-12-2013 04:18 AM
โJun-12-2013 03:34 AM
โJun-11-2013 08:34 PM
โJun-11-2013 06:39 PM
PamfromVA wrote:I am not running a prison. I don't nanny check every guest, every minute. I don't know who or what or when dogs were tethered to the trees, I just know the trees were girdled and they died. It was obvious from the damage it was a chain or something very similar (much wider cut than a rope or cable would make). As for enforcing barking rules, first we have to know there is an offense. We don't have microphones throughout the park probing for noise violations. You have a dog, apparently, so you tell me, when should you be kicked out for a barking dog? First bark? 10th? 100th? I don't have an answer. I've posted before, the normal routine is we get a dog complaint, owner is not there, owner returns, we tell owner about complaint, owner apologizes profusely, swears it will never happen again. Then owner leaves dog next day, dog barks, owner returns late at night, we see that they are leaving next morning anyway, so we avoid messy eviction and wave goodbye in the AM. Do you have a better plan that would really work? We can't do anything until and unless the owner is there. Then our options are really kick out or believe what they say. But if you have a better plan, I am more than willing to listen.
We camp in VA state parks alot. The problem is VA has reduced their park staff so much that they do not have time to take care of complaints about dogs or anything else. They are too busy taking care of cutting the grass, trail maintenance, and the ranger led programs that they are leaving the camp hosts in charge. The camp hosts are busy cleaning bathrooms and fire pits so the sites are ready for the next user. We ALWAYS see someone who lets their dog run free and everytime we go for a hike we run across someone who is hiking with their dog off leash. A couple of months ago we had a dog hang out at our site for a couple of hours each day and the owners were not concerned since "their dog liked us more than them". Point is - there is no consequences to noncompliance of the rules. The dog fee is just added revenue for the state. And Westernrvparkowner - shame on you for not enforcing your rules and making the camping experience at your park better for all. As a dog owner, I know I get a little frustrated when I see these owners not following the same rules I am with my dogs.