Was discussing that with some folks here in the park today.. Wal*marts fall into 4 groups when it comes to overnight parking.
Neighborhood Wall*marts (min Wall*marts) do not have enough parking for RVers or truckers to overnight, Im' sorry but the store is just too small.. Very few of those exist.
Most all allow overnight parking, UNLESS
They are in an area where the campground owners Association (A member of said association hosts these forums by the way) has petitioned the government to ban such overnighting and require all RVs to park in LICENSED campgrounds. More on that in a paragraph or two.
ONE, and I mean ONE Wall*mart has a bad neighbor.. And as a result of this neighbor (A used car dealer I believe) they have had to ban overnight parking. That applies to ONE store in the entire chain and it is not their fault either.
NOW: the more on campground v/s Wall*mart
ONe night I pulled into a truck stop.. Feeling was.. shall we say... not good. A campground was perhaps a quarter to half mile down the road.. 20 or 25 bucks for the night, full hookup, no generator fuel consumption, Dinner and breakfast "At home" (Perhaps 10 bucks spent between the two of us) so 30 or 35 for the night total.
Id have spent that much on dinner and breakfast for 2, plus gas for the generator on top of that. The campground was less expensive.
Still.. I wally-dock.