dedmiston wrote:
I used to have two batteries on the TT tongue and another two in a tote that I would connect to give us four. I had touched that diamond plate with the end wrench a few times and knew it would spark, so I always made it a point to wrap my entire hand around the end of the wrench so that any accidental contact with the diamond plate would be metal on skin (non-conductive) instead of metal on metal.
I wasn't as smart as I thought I was though.
On evening we got to camp a little late and it was already dark and most of my friends were already drinking around the fire. I followed my usual protocol with my palm wrapped around the wrench, but I got careless and let the wrench rest against my gold wedding band. When that gold band (very conductive!) touched the diamond plate, it exploded hard enough to blow the stones from my ring. It was still dark, but I could see the ring glowing brightly and smell my finger burning.
I ran over to the trailer of a friend who arrived just before I did (he wasn't drinking yet) and got him to cut my ring off.
My friends gave me grief for this every time we camped, but they were also pretty sympathetic about the injury and how long it took to heal (I couldn't wear a ring for almost a year). And then exactly a year later one of my buddies came over to heckle me and offer to help. He grabbed my wrench but before I could yell out a warning (time slowed down), he did the exact same doggone thing.
My diamond plate had these two adorable his-and-his weld marks where I and my brain-dead buddy both shocked ourselves.
It's been at least five years and I still remove my ring every night at bedtime to give my finger a break. We've been married for 32 years, but I didn't replace my fine original gold band. I wear cheap $19 bands from Amazon now. And my buddy wears even cheaper rubber rings.
We upgraded trailers since then: No diamond plate and the four batteries are installed permanently.
That's quite the story.
The insulated wrench that was in the posted sounds like a good idea.