rhagfo wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
I just ordered all this from "The RV Water Filter Store"
Should be good to go for a long time. His products are highly recommended, NOT cheap!
I will store all my hoses in a Tote in the Basement.
Code Product Quantity Total
G0008 10 ft White hose, brass fittings 1 $20.50
G0009 15 ft White hose, brass fittings 1 $26.75
H0028 Rubber Hose Washers (10) 1 $1.00
A1306 F5 cartridge, 10" 2 $25.90
G0011 30' White Hose, Brass Fittings 1 $45.50
H1002 Brass "Y" w/Shutoffs 1 $9.95
F4005 X65BG w/Stainless Oil Filled Gauge/Shipping will be $11.30 1 $99.95
H1005 Brass 90 Swivel 1 $11.95
Shipping: Priority Mail:
Sales Tax:
I quit using the brass 'Y"'s after i left one on the spigot. Now I carry two plastic one, havent left one since! :S
I seem to do better with things that cost a lot!
Expensive sunglasses last forever and finally wear them out. Cheap I loose right away.