Johno02 wrote:
love all the Stephanie Plum mysteries! But, it does seem that the later ones are not as good as the older ones. Several of the good writers seem to get pushed by publishers to write more faster so they can sell more. Many of what were really good authors seem to be going more toward quantity rather than quality. Of course, that my be a lot of my thoughts, does anyone else think along these lines??
Yeah. I felt like the aforementioned Robert S Parker was like that -- the flow of his writing, and his amazing ear for dialog remained good, but the Spenser plots went downhill.
The other of that is, sometimes you see absolutely terrific first books by people that must have taken 10 years to write, and you know they are unlikely to get that chance again. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell, for example. Fantastic book. Or The Sparrow.
another thing are the number of books being written and published under a known and/or retired author's name, and using the original characters and reputation. What do you think of that practice?? Most of these that I have read leave a lot to be desired.
Is that still done? I didn't realise. Like who?