20 years ago our 9 year old son had a stroke. My husband was traveling for work so had highway patrol looking for him. Oldest son has same name. Him & his girl friend on way to hospital witness an accident & she was a nurse so they stopped to help until ambulance got there. When they arrived Denny handed officer his license to get his info so they could leave & officer had the driver in the accident license in other hand. Officer just shook his head: he was holding licenses for 2 people with the same 1st & last name! Apparently he hadn't gotten the word that he was supposed to be looking for someone with that name because he didn't ask either of them. But later on that night the driver from the accident got a call that his son was in hospital & wife was looking for him. We did find husband & get him to hospital. Now I'm off to check where our name is on the list of 100