I found on my crew cab LB trucks, once I had removed 450-500 lbs, steering got goofy, front wheels started locking up when braking, especially on the white sidewalks paint strips. This took OVER 1500 lbs of HW on these trucks with 8500 lb springs, about 1500 with 6400 lb rear springs.
With this said.....my TT, 6-7000 on axle 750-900 HW only removed 60-120 max off the FA with these trucks. What I noticed, is more side to side rocking with no bars, less with just a WD system, even LESS with a Reese Dual Cam.
Reality, if your trailer will not pull straight etc without bars, figure out why, fix issue, then install bars.
If your high requires bars at 500 lbs, you don't want to use them, buy and install a hitch with engineer specs to your needs. That's what I do and did to rigs! Their is more than one way to skin a cat per say! :-)