4X4Dodger wrote:
Moderator wrote:
As far as posters go, there are fewer women; always have been. That doesn't necessarily mean fewer female readers. And the 'snarkiness' is neither welcome or appropriate in the forums.
I am not trying to be confrontational but please define "Snarky" for me.
And I dont see anything in the rules that prohibit Snarky.
To me Snarky is just a new word for ironic or Satire. Both of which have long and esteemed histories in our culture. And are surely appropriate for this forum. I would be much more concerned about those that get personal, call names, etc.
Those that get upset about a snarky comment here or there are sensitive to a degree that means it is they that should probably not be on the site.
I am afraid you have it backwards: those the feel it necessary to make 'snarky' comments to members, or about members posts, need to take them elsewhere; they have no place on this site. Following are synonyms for the term 'snarky'. (Mod)
choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irascible, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant, prickly, quick-tempered, raspy, ratty, short-tempered, snappish, snappy, irritable, snippety, snippy, stuffy, testy, waspish
I responded once to your answer and you deleted my post. Perhaps you will re think that approach this time and hear me out and let my comments be read by others.
The Oxford American Dictionary (2001) Page 1614 defines Snarky thus:
Snarky; informal (of a person words or a mood) sharply critical, cutting.
That is the total definition. Words that describe moods or comments like, grumpy, grouchy,irascible, peevish, perverse, petulant or prickly are by definition NOT snarky.
Your attempt to link these kinds of words and definitions with the term snarky is not accurate and leads down a path that will ultimately lead to a forum that is completely uninteresting to read and of little use.
I ask that you re-think your list of the types of comments you think are Snarky and concentrate on those posters who are truly nasty and personal. It is after all when posts get personal that they cross the line. A mere grumpy or peevish post does not cross any line under either the definition of snarky or the rules of this forum.
No one believes more than me in the need for civil and respectful discussion. But disagreement is vital to a lively and informed discussion and can be done civilly and respectfully.
And regardless of one's own opinions of what a word might mean or imply (including my own) we should stand by the true definitions.
I tried in my post show that what you defined as snarky was ironic or satiric humor. "Tone" is not always easy to discern in electronic communications. And a few readings using a different "tone" in ones head is often a good idea before springing to the conclusion that a post is necessarily inappropriate.
I am sure I can say that most of us appreciate the work of the moderators to delete spam and keep things, even disagreements, civil.