down home wrote:
Kids are not exposed to life. All they know is school where they teach them to follow not to learn.
Very few mow grass, or sack groceries or wash cars, nor are part time jobs, for them available.
Most are not in Scouts, don't play baseball, football, at school or in neighborhoods. No open spaces. They perceive life and get their values from Tee Vee or Puter. Dad doesn't take them fishing or to ball games.
Never seen a live animal other than dog or cat, wouldn't know which end of a hoe is for the ground.
They are not exposed to life and are soft. They need to hire out to a truck farm for summers and learn about being outside, making their own money, and buying his date her corsage with money he earned.
I didn't have a farm but still got the kids into baseball and softball etc. Daughter got her nose broke by a line drive. She survived and went on.
Son lettered in basketball, football, band, track. He played on state championship team in football and was scouted by Alabama for football, he was too light oth babtized and know right and wrong and pursue the the light. When push comes to shove can make their way anywhere under any circumstances.
Ok I'm bragging but the point I am reinterating again is we and Everyone will make what out children become, even if they are not our kids.
Everyone doesn't get things done because life gets in the way.
We have to make our Nations children part of life.
In church, Sunday School, Boy Scouts, baseball They know how to fish and hunt and swim which is very imporatant.
i came a cross a Captain, I believe, in the Army that took his family camping and fishing and taught responsibility and self confidence to his kids.
They were young but acted responsible and safely in their own kayaks and everything else.
Or the 8 or 9 year old Amish backing the horse into the traces, like a mature man of fifty.
Our kids are being wasted and their lives shortchanged.
Time to do somethign about it.
I disagree with many points above. I think sometimes we get caught up in our own nostalgia and only see what we want to. There is no shortage of kids playing baseball, football, basketball and soccer around here. Our schools still have boy scouts and girl scouts and other clubs. Sure there may be many in an urban environment that have not been to a "petting zoo" or farm but that can hardly be classified as not exposed to life. There are just as many in rural environments that have never set foot in a museum or other "refined" cultural venue but I would never call them unsophisticated. Our parents dealt with change just as our kids as parents will also deal with change. Just because Billy is not mowing lawns and then spending his 5 cents on a pack of bazooka doesn't mean an entire generation is doomed or lazy.