We did. It was actually an RV display at a Home Show.
I had a heart attack and surgery that late winter, and the home show was my first time out of the house for some R&R. It was purely an impulse buy, after a major life moment like that, you tend to make silly decisions sometimes.
We love the travel trailer we bought, but the dealer was an absolute jerk to deal with, and he was 100 miles away from the home show and where we lived. He later listed the trailer we traded him (3 years old) for more money than we paid for it brand new. We also had some options that he told us were standard that didn't show up on the trailer. After arguing out loud in his showroom later that spring (before we took delivery) he finally agreed to have them installed. One was installed wrong, so I ended up fixing it myself.
Again, it was an impulse buy that eventually turned out well. We liked the trailer, got a decent price, but had to deal with a really lousy salesman/dealer.