The DW was in San Diego for a week and I decided to go to the Seattle show in '05 to see what was oput there in bunkhouse TTs. We had a '99 Wilderness 27X and wanted something bigger with a slide and bunks. I got there early and really looked at everything on the floor and wound up spending two hours in the afternoon looking at a 32' Jayco metal side two slide bunk unit and an almost identical Cougar 304BHS and keeping out of the way of the salesmen.After they had seen me several different times,they started homing in on me. I finally decided I wanted the Cougar as it appeared better built,had nicer cabinets and was fiberglass.Got a price from TWO different salespersons from the same dealer and they were both different.Hummm.
I went home and went online and asked four different dealers for quotes and heard from one the next day,Foley's,one two weeks later,Tacoma RV who had the unit at the show and not from the ones in Richland or Portland. Worked out a deal with Foley's which had all the options the show model had,plus 6V batteries and a locking battery box and all for less money. Pulled the 27X up to Marysville the next Saturday,left it and they hooked up the new hitch on the 'Burb,also included,we did a one hour PDI and he took me to lunch while they fixed EVERYTHING we found wrong and I was back home in Bremerton by dinner. Had a small problem getting it up the driveway,high centered on the rear bumper and had to store it for three months while I changed the grade on a section of the driveway.