ependydad wrote:
Campfire Time wrote:
BurbMan wrote:
The office clerk should know that if the occupant has not stopped in to check out, that the site is still occupied and to instruct the incoming occupant to wait at the office until the current occupant checks out.
I haven't had to formally "check out" of campground in many years, in both public and private CGs. And the only one we ever had to do this was to drop our site card in a little mail box on the way out. Even that was optional. So how would the office clerk know?
Same. 40-60 campgrounds a year and I can count on 1-hand the number of times I've actually checked out.
You are correct, most CGs don't require that you stop at the office and check out. I do it as a courtesy to the staff, especially if I am leaving early. This way if the next guy shows up before check in time they will know my site is empty.