I live in an area where it is cold and lots of snow. I drain the lines thru the low point drains, blow out the water lines and pump RV antifreeze (pink stuff) thru the lines. Drain the fresh water tank. Clean and drain the grey and black tanks then pour some pink stuff in all the traps making sure some ends up in the tanks.
I have never worried about mold but leave the roof vents open. They have Max Air vent covers. I also have not shoveled the snow off the roof, or used a cover.
Fill the gas tank and add some Sta-Bil fuel conditioner.
I leave the batteries in but I am hooked up to power so the batteries stay charged.
Remove all food and dont forget the cans of soda hidden under the sofa. They make a real mess when they freeze. Don't ask me how I know.
I hope I covered everything, just going from memory