rfloyd99 wrote:
This time I read the separate water pump manual. It says to disconnect both inlet and outlet pipes and run the pump until all water is expelled. This would be a PITA, and would probably result in water on the pump compartment floor. The manual doesn't seem to contemplate that I could be pumping AF throughout the system. It just suggests that AF be poured down the drains to protect the P traps.
Well the way you did it last time worked so why change?
The idea is to get all water out of the pump.. And using the suction hose on a bottle of Pink Stuff does the job just fine..
Myself. I used pink the first time and AIR after that. I mean if I fill the lines with air. and the air freezes.. I'm not going to worry about the RV (Breathing, That will be the problem, I rather enjoy breathing). (If my wording makes you laugh. That's ok. Laugh away. I'm not offended).