pennysmom09 wrote:
This probably sounds really dumb, but where do you blow the air into the lines for winterizing....and do you do it in more than one place? We don't have really cold winters here and would like to avoid antifreeze, since we will be taking it to FL in Jan.
Into the city water connection, if your control panel valves do NOT have a "winterize" setting and winterizing valve. Open your low point drains. Open all the water drains out (all sinks, inside and outside shower, toilet flush valve. Then close all the faucets. And then have someone open each faucet, and toilet flush valve (one at a time...Hot and also cold) as you blow air in thru the city water connection. Don't forget clothes washer, and ice maker. May run water pump while blowing air into the system. Then cap the low point drains closed. Be sure to drain water heater. Make sure it is turned off AND COLD and then you bleed of all pressure (relief valve) before pulling the plug out.
When I winterize with A/F, I do NOT put A/F in the FW Tank, or Water Heater. Just drain them, and by-pass WH. A/F in only water lines, water pump, faucets, toilet flush valve, clothes washer, and P-traps. That way there is very little de-winterizing needed. And no A/F gets ingested into anyones body. And less then 2 gallons of A/F.