Forum Discussion

KampingKris's avatar
Apr 10, 2013

anxious dog

Our American Eskimo mix has always been a bit anxious. She hates fast moving little boys (probably from her early life) thunder, gun shots... etc. But as she has gotten older (she's nearly 9 now - we've had her 8 years) She's getting considerably worse.
We used to be able to take her with us to public events but now she puts her tail between her legs and acts like everything and everyone is out to get her. The wind makes her hide.
She can be so anxious she will attack our feet - not really aggressively, and its hard to describe. When we try to correct/reasure her, she immediately rolls over on her back exposing her tummy - like she's conflicted. "Yes, I know you're the pack leaders but I'm scared...of everything including you...?"

Not sure how to soothe her or maybe she needs some drug assistance.

  • We tried a Thunder Shirt for Maggy our very anxious rescue and it has worked wonders. We had to take her to the vet the other day and although she was anxious to get out of there, she sure didn't shake like in the past. On the weekend I was actually able to walk her around a swap meet and she seemed reasonably comfortable except when there were other dogs around.
  • +5 on the Thunder shirt , we use one on our GSD

    amazing really does work
  • Angus wears his thunder shirt a lot. I find it makes a huge difference for thunder and anxiety in general.
  • We had a puppy mill rescue that was like that. It got worse the older she got. She was not socialized because of cage living until she was 9. Then she did ok except around small loud fast moving children. Then she started getting worse again to the point of starting to snarl at us. She had cushings disease which is made worse by the extra cortisol produced from stress. An adrenal gland problem can cause this too. Please have the vet check for something like this. It can be treated.
  • My Izzy is an anxious barker..we have tried obedience training to give her confidence...didn't work...we have a Thunder jacket...doesn't seem to help ( it did help our other dog though that was scared of thunder and firecrackers ) so I have started her on a homeopathic anti-anxiety medication and that seems to be helping alcohol in the product, just natural herbs etc..
  • raindove wrote:
    ...You could also try one of the Thundershirts....

    I was very, very skeptical when I tried one with Roxie. They do work. Its important that they fit tightly.
  • Before I resorted to drugs, I'd give Bach Rescue Remedy a try --
    or those Comfort zone diffusers.

    Bach rescue remedy is my first "go to" item for anythign stress related.

    You could also try one of the Thundershirts. They worked great on my cocker for thunderstorm fear.

    They are a little pricey, but if they don't work, they will take them back.... so what have you got to lose?