Jan-30-2022 06:01 AM
Feb-01-2022 05:16 PM
winnietrey wrote:
I agree TT that is the plan. So far as long as he sees the leash, (prong collar or not) he is all over it.
Just saying from what I have seen a prong collar is good starting point
Feb-01-2022 04:48 PM
Feb-01-2022 03:57 PM
Feb-01-2022 03:41 PM
Jan-31-2022 01:15 PM
Jan-30-2022 02:35 PM
Applied animal behaviorists are scientists, educators, or other animal professionals with an advanced academic background in the principles of animal behavior. Applied animal behaviorists may have a background in fields as diverse as psychology, biology, zoology, veterinary medicine, or animal sciences. They may work in laboratories, zoos, farms, animal shelters, universities, corporations, or as private consultants (and beyond!). What applied animal behaviorists have in common is the application of scientific principles to improving the care, management and welfare of animals in captivity and the wild.
Jan-30-2022 09:33 AM
Jan-30-2022 08:56 AM
Jan-30-2022 07:21 AM