magnusfide wrote:
Deb and Ed M wrote:
magnusfide wrote:
My wife tears up on this one and I confess I get a bit misty eyed too. We were so caught up by the story line, we didn't know they were selling Suburus until much later.
I think those of us who went out of our way to make an old dog's last days happy, tend to get "misty"?
You've got it in one. We've had several "old buddies, pals" that we did our best to make happy in their final years and to appreciate fully before that final moment. That's why that commercial brings on the tears and the mists for us. Our last dog took a final camping trip with us to his favorite campground. He loved to stand and watch the trout in the stream. At 14 + we had to say good bye to him as his renal failure advanced too far for comfort. We still miss the big smile.
I just lost my old boy at 12 1/2. And yes, that commercial makes me cry.