ppine, I am not sure if you are referring to my original post, however it hurts me that you would make this remark. First off, we have had dogs for over 35 years. That is why we started rving 35 years ago so we could take our dogs with us. Every dog we have had, which is 14 in all, none have never spent time in a kennel except at the vets or a groomers.
10 years ago we decided to only rescue senior dogs. Every rescue dog we have brought into our home has had issues. Most people would not even think of adopting them because of not only the issues, but the amount of money that is required to provide the care, but we have. Andy, the rescue that I am referring to in this post was found in a crate in the woods. He apparently hadn't eaten for a long time. It took the rescue group weeks to get him to eat small portions of food. He was blind and very anxious however we knew he needed to be in our home. Our vet and the ophthalmologist have helped us greatly with him. However his anxiety still is a problem. We are retired and are with him all day. The CBD oil has helped with his anxiety and that is all that matters to me.
Maybe you have never rescued a senior dog with issues. We have done the best we can. He has also been seen by a neurologist due to some other issues.
Thank you Dr. Doug for your kind words.