Along the same vain as using dogs to detect people infected with Covid-19 here is research using horses to prepare a possible treatment for Covid-19. Animals/pets to our rescue!
Equine hyperimmune globulin raised against the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein has extremely high neutralizing titers
doi: Summary:
Five horses were subcutaneously inoculated for 6 weeks with the recombinant S protein. Four out of the 5 horses presented a strong immune response. Blood was drawn from the horses, the antibodies produced against the SARS-CoV-2 spike were separated from the blood and treated to prevent a horse immune response when injected in humans. The sera of immunized horses displayed approximately 140-fold higher neutralizing titers than serum collected from Covid-19 patients. The horse antibodies produced against SARS-CoV0-2 is similar to therapies that have been safely used for decades against rabies, tetanus and snake venoms.
This is a more manufacturable method to produce a Covid-19 treatment analogous to infusion of serum drawn from Covid-19 patients.