Forum Discussion

stew47's avatar
Mar 11, 2019

Day care at Walt Disney world

Hello all. Our two dogs sit in the fifth wheel all day while we are out sightseeing and never had a problem. We are going to Disney for one day in a couple of weeks and I’m worried that’s a bit too long for them. Are there doggie day care options near Disney?
  • One day at Disney will be tempting to see all you can and push but it can end up making the day miserable at the end. Take a little time to go back to your trailer to relax and unwind sometime during the day. This will make the furry children happy and take a little stress out of the day.
    Every time we go to Ft. Wilderness this is our routine and our pets and our feet love it.:)
  • While we always keep out lab with us at he Fort, we have always stated that IF we wanted to leave her, we would take her to Best Friends kennel.. We pass it every day when in the area and it looks real nice...
  • The "Best Friends" kennel is very nice and is only about 1/2 mile from Fort Wilderness campground, which is also very close to the Magic Kingdom.
  • Nothing stops you from taking a break and going back to the RV during the day to walk, water and feed the pups. We do that at Disneyland when RVing near by. We take the shuttle bus and it only takes 10 minutes to get to/from the park. We'll fix lunch, take a nap and be refreshed until dinner when we repeat. Our two dogs love it as they are allowed on the bed when we are out. It's their favorite thing to do.
  • Disney no longer has kennels. We used BestFriends when we were at Disney last Nov. Our dachshund had never been boarded before but she was happy there (she was a little nervous the 1st day) and we thought the place was great.
  • A long time ago they had a kennel on site. Might check that out.